Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 14-Feb-2025 03:09:47 AM 
Aadhaar Status
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S.No. Blocks Total No. of Workers Aadhaar Seeded Status of Demographic Authentication done through AUA Eligible for ABPS
Sent for Authentication Successfully Authenticated Authentication Failed To be Sent For Authentication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 BRIDGEMANGANJ 43006 42745 42721 42282 439 24 39966
2 DHANI 16107 16034 16034 15919 115 0 14952
3 GHUGHULI 29663 29543 29543 28588 955 0 27461
4 LAKSHMIPUR 48303 47965 47965 47273 692 0 44852
5 MAHRAJGANJ 35771 35314 35311 34856 455 3 34126
6 MITHAURA 46076 45713 45713 45551 162 0 44326
7 NAUTANWA 42293 42189 42189 42026 163 0 40428
8 NICHLAUL 58427 57602 57590 56823 767 12 54937
9 PANIYARA 39548 39412 39412 39229 183 0 38119
10 PARTAWAL 32186 31771 31771 31593 178 0 30231
11 PHARENDA 36767 36431 36431 35889 542 0 34500
12 SISWA 43490 43379 43379 42863 516 0 41036
Total 471637 468098 468059 462892 5167 39 444934

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