Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 10-Oct-2024 08:57:27 AM 
Aadhaar Status
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S.No. Blocks Total No. of Workers Aadhaar Seeded Status of Demographic Authentication done through AUA Eligible for ABPS
Sent for Authentication Successfully Authenticated Authentication Failed To be Sent For Authentication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 BAR 44356 44163 44163 44154 9 0 42508
2 BIRDHA 48119 48005 48005 47890 115 0 46569
3 JAKHAURA 58574 58346 58346 58264 82 0 56219
4 MADAWARA 45258 45072 45070 45041 29 2 43672
5 MEHRAUNI 53511 53264 53264 53263 1 0 51449
6 TALBEHAT 45333 45193 45193 45193 0 0 43981
Total 295151 294043 294041 293805 236 2 284398

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