Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 14-Feb-2025 03:35:55 AM 
Aadhaar Status
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S.No. Blocks Total No. of Workers Aadhaar Seeded Status of Demographic Authentication done through AUA Eligible for ABPS
Sent for Authentication Successfully Authenticated Authentication Failed To be Sent For Authentication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 DUDHAHI 34525 34348 34348 33765 583 0 31624
2 fazilnagar 25613 25298 25298 24870 428 0 23799
3 hata 16169 16038 16038 15572 466 0 14965
4 kaptainganj 30586 30449 30449 29786 663 0 27883
5 kasaya 9177 9008 9008 8842 166 0 8458
6 khadda 41056 40580 40579 40134 445 1 36703
7 motichak 27011 26507 26506 25703 803 1 24204
8 nebua naurangia 41568 41367 41367 41243 124 0 38639
9 padrauna 43136 42800 42799 42741 58 1 39014
10 ramkola 26840 26471 26471 25596 875 0 23968
11 seorahi 28420 27666 27665 27209 456 1 25927
12 sukrauli 23746 23607 23607 23575 32 0 22235
13 tamkuhiraj 29446 28678 28677 28284 393 1 26700
14 vishunpura 49715 49456 49456 49172 284 0 45203
Total 427008 422273 422268 416492 5776 5 389322

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