Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 14-Feb-2025 03:11:22 AM 
Aadhaar Status
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S.No. Blocks Total No. of Workers Aadhaar Seeded Status of Demographic Authentication done through AUA Eligible for ABPS
Sent for Authentication Successfully Authenticated Authentication Failed To be Sent For Authentication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 BANSGAON 21127 21006 21006 20938 68 0 20094
2 BARHALGANJ 18048 17998 17997 17974 23 1 17508
3 BELGHAT 32372 32208 32203 32174 29 5 31271
4 BHAROHIYA 12084 12045 12045 12040 5 0 11676
5 BHATHAT 22434 22336 22336 22324 12 0 21649
6 BRAHMPUR 18865 18795 18795 18784 11 0 18134
7 CAMPIERGANJ 28789 28511 28510 28424 86 1 27990
8 CHIRGAWAN 10648 10628 10628 10628 0 0 10506
9 GAUGAHA 17801 17718 17718 17676 42 0 17085
10 GOLA 19884 19805 19805 19804 1 0 19483
11 JANGAL KODIA 13170 13166 13165 13022 143 1 12782
12 KAURI RAM 12180 12148 12148 12148 0 0 11949
13 KHAJANI 25089 24757 24757 24675 82 0 23996
14 KHORABAR 10878 10823 10823 10823 0 0 10594
15 PALI 19907 19883 19883 19864 19 0 19322
16 PIPRAICH 24312 24274 24274 24190 84 0 23431
17 PIPRAULI 16409 16215 16215 16067 148 0 15353
18 SAHJANAWA 21893 21806 21806 21676 130 0 21179
19 SARDARNAGAR 21201 21123 21123 20966 157 0 20266
20 URUWA 30369 30206 30206 30203 3 0 29446
Total 397460 395451 395443 394400 1043 8 383714

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