Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 14-Feb-2025 03:06:34 AM 
Aadhaar Status
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State : UTTAR PRADESH District : MAU Block : PARDAHA

S.No. Panchayats Total No. of Workers Aadhaar Seeded Status of Demographic Authentication done through AUA Eligible for ABPS
Sent for Authentication Successfully Authenticated Authentication Failed To be Sent For Authentication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 ADEDEEH 373 373 373 373 0 0 349
2 AHILAD 363 363 363 363 0 0 334
3 BABUAPUR 211 211 211 211 0 0 203
4 BAIJAPUR 481 481 481 481 0 0 466
5 Bhar 261 261 261 261 0 0 222
6 BHAVNATHPUR 167 167 167 167 0 0 153
7 BIBIPUR 639 639 639 639 0 0 605
8 DUMRAV 478 478 478 478 0 0 444
9 HARPUR 740 739 739 739 0 0 686
10 ITAURA 587 586 586 586 0 0 579
11 KAHINAUR 829 828 828 828 0 0 790
12 KANDHERI 231 231 231 231 0 0 213
13 KASIM PUR 338 338 338 338 0 0 321
14 KHANDERAIPUR 733 729 729 729 0 0 702
15 KHARGAJEPUR 375 375 375 375 0 0 311
16 KUSMAUR 532 532 532 532 0 0 510
17 MANSADI 375 375 375 375 0 0 374
18 MUNGESAR 432 432 432 432 0 0 349
19 NASIRPUR 471 466 466 466 0 0 429
20 NIYAMATPUR URF BAGALI 267 266 266 266 0 0 205
21 ONHAICH 928 920 920 920 0 0 840
22 PANIYARA 441 441 441 441 0 0 393
23 PARASPURA 245 245 245 245 0 0 232
24 PIJARA 668 668 668 668 0 0 572
25 PIPRIDIH 529 528 528 528 0 0 477
26 RAINI 525 525 525 525 0 0 517
27 RAKAULI 426 426 426 426 0 0 391
28 RANVEERPUR 440 432 432 432 0 0 379
29 REKVAREDEEH 491 487 487 487 0 0 464
30 SARAVA 952 949 949 949 0 0 860
31 SARAYA 368 368 368 368 0 0 355
32 SUARABOJH 398 398 398 398 0 0 386
33 TAHIRPUR 268 266 266 266 0 0 244
34 TAJPUR PATILA 258 257 257 256 1 0 252
35 UMAPUR 264 264 264 264 0 0 246
Total 16084 16044 16044 16043 1 0 14853

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